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Current Lead Times: Simple-Custom Framesets: 1 week. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

A Visit With Mr. Mansfield’s Class From Assabet Valley Vocational Technical High School


Group tour
Karl B., breaking it down for the Assabet kids

Neil, or rather Mr. Mansfield, used to work alongside Seven Cycles’ founders as a welder at Merlin Metalworks before moving on to become a top tier welding and metal fabrication teacher at the Assabet Valley Vocational Technical High School in Marlborough, MA. To help generate learning moments, Mr. Mansfield sets up field trips to show his class real world applications for the skills they learn throughout the school year. Today’s example was tube welding, and what better way to bring welding to life than showing his class what he did more than twenty years ago?

One way to create buzz at Seven is to drop a bus load of students into our showroom. The entire factory was crackling with energy.

Before splitting into groups, we opened the floor to questions, and were inundated:

  • How much is that bike?
  • How much does it weigh?
  • Do you make BMX bikes?
  • How long does it take to make one?
  • What are they made out of?
  • Do you weld?
  • Why not?
  • How long do they last?
  • Are they strong?
  • What happens if you crash?
  • Is titanium better than steel?
  • What if I wanted a BMX bike, then could you make one?
Matt explains machining
Matt O., going over the finer points

Once their questions were answered we headed out to the production floor for the real fun. Starting in machining we covered the basics of tube preparation, cutting, coping, bending, curving, and squishing. As is the case year after year, Neil’s classes are always more mature than their age would suggest and this class was no different. Their questions honed in on the craft and harkened back to things they had studied and practiced in their classrooms.

Tim explains welding
Tim D. dropping some knowledge

The highlight of every tour, for both the me and the students, is when we get to Tim Delaney’s welding bench. Not only is Tim an encyclopedia of welding knowledge, he is also a natural educator. When he speaks, people listen with interest and enthusiasm, and the rapport is instantaneous. I’m certain that the students’ interest in Seven’s welding process had a lot to do with it as well. They pummeled Tim with questions, donned welding masks, and watched as he showed them examples of what we do here at Seven. When the questions came to a close, we moved to final machining, then finishing, and finally to painting where Staci was working on a Diamas SL, which garnered some serious attention.

Wrapping up in the show room, Matt O’Keefe took some final questions on job inquiries, and positions for beginning welders. Needless to say, those of us over age 15 were exhausted by the end of the tour, in a good way, but the kids seemed to be ready for another go ’round. And lunch! We were really happy to have spent the morning with Mr. Mansfield and his smart, interesting, and very well-behaved students. We hope that someday, we can call one, or even a few of them colleagues.

-Karl B.

Inspiration Everywhere You Look

Saab headlight

When you love something very much, say for example a bicycle, then you spend so much time with it that eventually you stop seeing it. Or at least you stop seeing it with the fresh eyes that helped you fall in love with it in the first place.

In designing and building bikes all day, every day, day after day, year after year, for decades, it’s possible to lose sight of what you’re doing. Even when you’re achieving your stated purpose, inspiration can ebb.

Like a bike race, where you have your head down, and your entire focus is on the work of staying in the group. All you know is your legs are burning, and your chest is heaving. And if you keep your head down like that, you’ll miss the winning move.


So we build bikes all day, every day, but we also pick our heads up and look around us. There is so much there to inspire. Some of the things you see stick with you, either consciously or unconsciously, and then find their way into your design work.

junk metal sculpture

Or maybe, you are so taken with an object that you look it up. You learn how it’s made, and in discovering that process you find a better way to make something you’ve been working on forever. In the best cases, this whole process leads to solutions for seemingly intractable problems. You didn’t expect this, but there it was, in a sculpture park or parked out behind a shopping center, just waiting for you to see, if you can remember to look.

Photos by Seven’s own Matt O’Keefe.


Seven Entrance

Like a race or really any hard ride, bike building has a rhythm to it. There are times you hammer – pardon the pun – and times you sit in and conserve energy. In a lot of ways, one informs the other. We ride hard as a group, after work on Wednesday nights. We sit in a little, at the office on Thursdays. By Friday morning’s trail ride, we’re ready to rock again.

On cold, wet mornings like today, there is a calm deliberation to our work. The factory is quiet as folks roll in for the day. Coffee gets contemplative as we size up the work to be done. And it’s nice to have that little bit of serenity that comes in the afterglow of a hard ride. It helps you make the right decisions. In these quiet times, you hatch your best ideas.

Finisher's station

As the afternoon slides toward us, the pace picks up. Finished frames find boxes. Delivery trucks pull in and pull out.

Whether you’re working or riding together, pushing and testing each other every day, the pace rises and falls with energy and inspiration. And over time the best always comes out of each of us as we fall into the rhythm of the work, and in large part that’s why we’re so lucky to be able to do what we do.

Group of Nine – Shop Riding

riding selfie

Nine of us out on the shop ride last night. Cross bikes, road bikes, mountain bikes all together. Discovering a new not-so-secret trail and a new little-bit-secret dirt road to link up to our usual trail system, on the way to the path, and the rail bed, and the Battle Road. Kicking up dust the whole time. Trying to keep Dan, on his mountain bike, off the front. Tearing across fields, over bridges. Causing drivers to double-take at the pack of us, worming our way across town from one patch of dirt to the next.

Hammering up the last hill – to take the KOM points that no one awards and no one remembers, except the one who won – and then down into town to contend with cars and bright headlights. Matt S. says, “I don’t even like to ride bikes. I only came for the pizza and beer.”

Photo by Matt O.