Stock Scheme: Portal

Portal Scheme in Saffron, Ranger, and Gloss Black
3D shapes create depth, but also imply a fourth dimension, time, and we love that idea of the bike as time machine, as fundamentally transformative. The Portal scheme plays that trick of perception, turning two dimensions into three, and three into four, as it carries you through time and space. What world will you enter? What world will you leave?

Portal Scheme in Custom Colors
Color Chooser
Click the swatches to change the paint colors, as well as unpainted titanium and unpainted carbon. You can also select from our stock decals for painted frames.

Legacy Colors
Did you see a Seven once that turned your head and planted the seed of desire in your cycling brain? Did it have a stunning paint scheme with that just-right color combination? Now our legacy color archive is available, alongside the stock colors above, at no additional charge when you choose to paint your new Seven.
Full Titanium | Ti/Carbon Mix |
$1,495 | N/A |
Price includes painting of a fork to match the frame.
Pricing is based on current stock paint color and decal options.
Custom colors and matte finish available at an additional cost.