Email below or give us a call at 617.923.7774. If we don’t pick up (we’re probably building bikes in the factory), leave a message and we will return your call.
Seven is a small company, and yet, we’ve sold more than 35,000 bikes over the years. That makes for a lot of incoming email. It may take us a few days to respond to yours. If you don’t hear back from us within four days, please email us again. Thank you for your patience.
IMPORTANT: If you don’t receive a response from us within two days, please CHECK YOUR SPAM FILTER. About 10% of our email responses end up in spam. Put on your email “white list” to ensure you receive our communications.
Frequently asked questions: You can see some Frequently Asked Questions here.
Frequently Asked Questions:
All of the Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I purchase decals? You can purchase decals here.
Can you add a disc mount to my Seven? Unfortunately this is not possible. Depending on the model, there are a number of issues, including that the frame’s rear triangle tubing needs to be designed for the stresses caused by a disc brake system. The dropout interface is completely different. In nearly all cases, it is impossible to find a disc fork that will be compatible with your existing frame. The cost of making these modifications is more than a new frame.
Will you repair my non-Seven titanium frame? We don’t work on any frames that we didn’t build and that are not branded Seven.