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U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

Forbes Reviews Seven Cycles

Seven Axiom SLX
Seven titanium Axiom SLX

“I was not planning to buy a Seven when I toured the company’s Massachusetts’s factory for research, but once I saw how beautiful the welds were, how perfectly and lovingly the frames were made, I had to have one.”– Larry Olmsted, Forbes

We were excited to read Larry Olmsted’s The Great Life article on, extolling the benefits and advantages of his Seven, and of custom-built bikes in general. We felt he had some good insights and wanted to share a few points that Larry made about why buying a custom-made bike is really to any rider’s advantage.

  • Price: As off the rack stock bikes have significantly raised their prices in recent years, custom bike prices have remained steady. Olmsted points out that you can order a custom frame with a complete kit, like the Seven titanium Axiom SLX for a price comparable to a stock bike.

“The titanium Axiom SLX is Seven’s lightest model… will last a lifetime, and can be purchased complete and ready to ride for $5,800.”

  • People: Custom bikes are made-to-order, one at a time, with skilled and experienced artisans using the highest quality materials. We were especially honored to read Olmsted’s thoughtful reflections on the quality of work and pride in craftsmanship that he observed during his tour of our manufacturing facility.
  • Quality Control: The quality control on a custom bike is by definition higher and more exacting than any mass-produced bicycle.  But it is rewarding that Olmsted got this impression while on site:

“I was not planning to buy a Seven when I toured the company’s Massachusetts’s factory for research, but once I saw how beautiful the welds were, how perfectly and lovingly the frames were made, I had to have one.”

  • Performance: Olmsted hits on one of the primary reasons to get a custom bike: tailored performance. For example, he has found anecdotally that he and his friends who ride Sevens and custom-built bikes have significantly improved their speed and performance. Olmsted favors steep climbs, and even if a stock bike fits perfectly, that bike will not ride ideally for you. Stock bikes are made for averages – average use, average road conditions, average sized riders, average conditioning.  Are you average?
  • Unique Customer Service: Customer service at Seven is critical to everything we do. As Olmsted points out, Seven’s Custom Kit is designed to extract both the type of ride desired and the precise physical specifications from the customer.  Once the Custom Kit is completed by Seven’s performance design team, we communicate directly with the customer’s retailer. Seven is the only bike manufacturer that bridges the gap between the customer and the retailer in this way.  We have found that when the three of us – the customer, the retailer and Seven – work together, we can most effectively deliver a bike that meets or surpasses the customer’s expectations. We appreciate that Olmsted found our unique process of such value.

“When I got my bike made by Seven Cycles, there were over 100 different questions and measurements involved. While fit in a bespoke suit translates to looking better, fit in a bespoke road bike translates to feeling better and possibly avoiding knee injuries from massive repetitions of an off kilter pedaling stroke, along with the various back, neck and arm pains associated with riding.”

Thank you, Larry, for helping shed light on some of the misconceptions about high-end bikes – whether custom or stock – and for enjoying your Seven. We hope to see you on the road!