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Current Lead Times: Simple-Custom Framesets: 1 week. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

Group of Nine – Shop Riding

riding selfie

Nine of us out on the shop ride last night. Cross bikes, road bikes, mountain bikes all together. Discovering a new not-so-secret trail and a new little-bit-secret dirt road to link up to our usual trail system, on the way to the path, and the rail bed, and the Battle Road. Kicking up dust the whole time. Trying to keep Dan, on his mountain bike, off the front. Tearing across fields, over bridges. Causing drivers to double-take at the pack of us, worming our way across town from one patch of dirt to the next.

Hammering up the last hill – to take the KOM points that no one awards and no one remembers, except the one who won – and then down into town to contend with cars and bright headlights. Matt S. says, “I don’t even like to ride bikes. I only came for the pizza and beer.”

Photo by Matt O.