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U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

Jeff Bannink Powers his Seven Alaris to RAAM Victory

Jeff Bannink and his Race Across America team on the podium

Team Type 1 Breaks Record at 2009 Race Across America

In one of the toughest feats of endurance cycling, Seven owner Jeff Bannink not only succeeded in completing the 3,021 mile nonstop cross-country race, but his eight-person team set a new record, finishing in first place with a time of 5 days, 9 hours and 5 minutes.

Jeff, the tallest rider on his professional squad at six feet, six inches, and 225 pounds found that none of the team’s time trial bikes properly fit him, which led to contacting Zac Daab at Cascade Bicycle Studio in Seattle, Washington. Zac and Seven Cycles were able to design a custom titanium Aero Alaris (now known as Axiom S) that provided all the aerodynamics, drivetrain stiffness, handling and ergonomics that Jeff would need during such an extended time trial.

“I wanted a TT bike that allowed me to take advantage of all the training I had done in preparation, but not have to make drastic adaptations when I switched between my road bike (also a Seven) and my TT bike during the course of the race,” said Jeff. “Seven and Cascade Bicycle Studio got it perfect.”

“It’s always rewarding to work with a client and help them achieve their riding objectives,” remarked Daab. But when that rider is an athlete of Jeff’s caliber and they go on achieve something monumental, it’s really inspiring. As for the bike, its performance speaks volumes. There really are no limits to what Seven can do with titanium or any other material.”

Jeff and his teammates, all of whom have type one diabetes, had to overcome a series of early setbacks in addition to the already grueling race conditions. Despite early problems with the support vehicles and some minor delays in the first 36 hours, the team continued to execute their race strategy in the face of adversity. Congratulations to Jeff from Zac and Seven. We’re all impressed by your achievement.