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McConneloug Races Her Seven to Seventh in Beijing

Mary McConneloug in Beijing

Mary McConneloug (team Kenda-Seven Cycles) road to an impressive seventh place finish in the Olympic mountain bike competition in Beijing this weekend. Her result made her the top American finisher among both the men’s and women’s teams. Crossing the line with hands clasped above her head and face pointed to the sky, Mary was obviously pleased with her effort and result.

The heat of the day and challenging racecourse took their toll, forcing even some considered medal favorites to abandon the competition. But Mary road a smart and calculated race, moving up from 13th to 7th place lap by lap.

McConneloug is a four-time U.S. National Champion and two-time Olympian. Her Seven Sola mountain bike has served her flawlessly the entire time.

Mary McConneloug in Beijing

From all of us at Seven Cycles, congratulations Mary!

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