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Mo Bruno-Roy earns 3rd place Day One, 5th place Day Two of Mercer Cup

Mo-Bruno Roy at the 'cross race at the 'cross race
Photo: Jon Henig

Battling deep mud and strong winds, MM Racing p/b Seven Cycles rider Mo Bruno-Roy showcased her bike handling skills by out-pacing the majority of the field through technical sections of the course.

“It was important to get out in front because there was room for errors, like getting tangled up in the tape and taking bad lines,” Bruno Roy said. “Today was definitely a race of attrition rather than tactics, which is better for me. It was all about keeping the gas on.”Her podium finish on Saturday and 5th place finish on Sunday continues her streak of top placings against some of the toughest fields in North America. Mo resumes her racing schedule this coming weekend at Whitmore’s Cross Verge Mid Atlantic Series/NACT UCI in Southampton, New York.