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U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

Mountain Bike Magazine: Tips for Ti: Going Custom

from 101 Tips That Don’t Suck

When the editors of Mountain Bike magazine wanted to include tips on choosing a custom bike in their 101 Tips issue, who did they turn to? Seven Cycles, of course.

Going Custom

Seven Cycles is known for elegant, ultra-perfectionist frames. You can have one for the price of a small heart transplant. (Actually, the company’s steel bikes are fairly reasonable.) If you can afford it, you’ll never have a bike that fits or rides better. These tips—from Seven’s Rob Vandermark—apply to any custom bike.

Who Needs One?

Prevailing sentiment says the average person doesn’t need a custom bike (actually, even more prevailing is that the average person can’t afford one). But who’s average? Any rider can benefit from a custom bike. Custom geometry, tubing, features and options provide better handling, greater comfort, optimized ride characteristics and a lasting reflection of your individuality.

The Real Deal

Some manufacturers’ idea of custom is limited to paint color or component options. But for true customization, look for a builder that offers these four elements:

  • Custom geometry as it relates to size, fit, ergonomic comfort and biomechanical efficiency.
  • Custom geometry as it relates to handling, response and performance.
  • Custom tubing and material choice for optimized weight-to-performance, feel and ride characteristics.
  • Custom options and features, such as head-tube extensions, top-tube slope, cable routing and component compatibility.

More for Your Money

Any high-end bike is a big investment. A true custom bike adds more value by providing you with exactly what you want. To get the most for your money, look for a builder that doesn’t have a custom up-charge.

Where Your Local Shop Comes In

Getting a custom bike shouldn’t be intimidating or mysterious. In addition to choosing a builder that has custom-fit and frame-building expertise, you should purchase the bike through a shop that has extensive custom-fitting and selling experience. The bike builder should work closely with you and your shop to ensure you get the perfect bike.

The Key to Custom

Choice of tubeset is all-important. The reason some people find their bikes too harsh or too whippy has more to do with the size (wall thickness, diameter) of their frame’s tubing than the frame material itself. That’s why a rider-specific tubeset is key to making your frame as lively, plush, stiff and/or light as you need. No custom bike is complete without it.