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Seven Cycles Brochure Caravan

Poster board teaser image

Drifting across the kitchen table the sweet smell of chemicals tickled my nostrils, it was intoxicating and put me immediately at ease. I melted into the world before me; rich glossy colors swirled about, exquisite materials caressed my skin, luxurious accoutrements were at my beck and call.  I floated higher and higher, looking down I saw myself basking in euphoria; feet up, lounging, laughing, warm, comfortable. So immensely comfortable.

That 1984 Dodge Caravan brochure opened my eyes to a beautiful new world. Not just a world of seven passenger seating, sliding doors, dome lights, and interior storage compartments but also graphic design, copy, brand image and identity, and marketing in general.  By blending the right colors, pictures, and words, Dodge had put me in the middle row of seats without ever having seen the minivan in person. My dad also succumbed, and we were the first on the block to put a minivan in the garage. Beige, four on the floor, crank windows, and not a single head rest to be found, yep, we were living the good life.

1984 Dodge Caravan

I love the Seven Cycles brochure in much the same way, in fact I think it’s the most exciting new product Seven releases every year. Outside of a doughnut delivery, the only time the entire company comes to a screeching halt is when the first pallet of new brochures is dropped off. The energy is infectious. You can imagine my excitement when we began 2012 official brochure talks a few weeks ago. Soon we will be brain storming, filling up dry erase boards, deconstructing old brochures, creating poster boards, fighting for things we want left in the brochure and arguing over what we think should be eliminated.  Work doesn’t get any more fun than this.

A collection of every Seven brochure

We hang on to one from each year, in case we need to reminisce. I did my best to assemble them in an artsy fashion. I nailed the assembly part, you can be the judge of the artsy-ness:

We’re taking a new approach to the brochure this year, and I am thrilled to be a part of its inception. While the days of high gloss and pungent chemical smells may be behind us, I hope someone opens this year’s brochure and finds themselves lost in a day dream like I had so many years ago.

-Written by Karl B.