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Seven Cycles featured in Embrocation Cycling Journal

Volume Three Includes IMX Cross, Interview with Mo Bruno-Roy

Eembrocation Cover

IMX 'cross bike

The latest edition of Embrocation Cycling Journal features two feature articles on Seven Cycles. The first, entitled “IMX” by Jeremy Dunn, is a photo essay on Maureen Bruno Roy’s IMX Cross race bikes. It showcases her bike inside our factory, as well as interviews with Matt Roy, her husband and mechanic, and short biographies on the employees who designed and fabricated her new bikes.

The second article, “Finding The Balance” by Jackson Weber, is an in-depth interview with Bruno-Roy. She discusses her athletic background, her evolution as a professional cyclist, and how she strives to balance racing with her other pursuits.

Both stories feature a mix of black and white and color photography by Chris Milliman.

Mo-Bruno Roy covered in mud