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Current Lead Times: Simple-Custom Framesets: 1 week. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

Seven’s First Factory Immersion Event

Mattison Speaks to the group at the Factory Immersion event

Seven Cycles held its first Factory Immersion Event at its Watertown, Massachusetts location on September 8 and 9. With its office and production on site, Seven put together a comprehensive program for 40 Retailers who visited us from 15 states and two countries.

The first of its kind for Seven, the 2-day Factory Immersion event took place in the form of 7-minute clinics, presented by 23 employees throughout the company—from Account Executives to Welders and Painters. Small groups rotated around the facility between the office and the production area to watch demonstrations and listen to clinics. Retailers found themselves immersed in topics ranging from Seven’s A6 Carbon Frame Durability to the Five Elements of the Ideal Bike with an opportunity to see what Seven is doing up close.

If you were not able to attend, here are a few examples of what we covered in more than 80 clinics:

  • Seven’s Limited Edition & Special Edition & RSD
  • Seven’s Five Elements of the Ideal Bike
  • Seven’s A6 Frame Durability
  • Aerodynamics Is Not Speed, “Design for Speed”
  • Paint

Stef guides a group at the factory immersion event

“…the essence of the reasons we are so committed to the relationship we have with Seven, is the holistic way in which they view the experience of the work that they do. Like HubBub, every customer for whom Seven builds a frame is unique—”real”—not just a name on the order form or a series of numbers in a drawing. I became aware that each retailer has a unique relationship with Seven—including the way they order their products from Seven. And to their credit, Seven is able to bend and yield to the idiosyncrasies of a lot of different retailers. In fact, the willingness of Seven’s staff from Rob Vandermark’s introduction to Tanya Mayther’s shipping clinic, made us each of us feel important to the company. It was evident in everything we experienced these two days, from their physical plant to the food they served.”

—Diane, HubBub in Ohio

It was a valuable two days with the generation of many great discussions and ideas.