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Current Lead Times: Simple-Custom Framesets: 1 week. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

The Local Bike Shop (LBS)

Here at holiday time, as people dash around looking for last minute gifts, we wanted to say a quick word about local bike shops

The Internet is a magical thing, a tool that has allowed us to share information (like this 7) with greater ease than all the technologies of previous centuries combined, and yet we’ve learned that the Internet isn’t a solution for every challenge we face.

Everyday we get calls and emails from people interested in our bikes, and often they want to know if they can order a bike directly through our website. Technologically, it is possible.

But, we persist in the belief that the local bike shop is the best solution for the challenge of building a custom bike.

There are a number of reasons we feel this way:

1) Local, local, local – We build bikes for riders all over the world, but we believe in doing business locally whenever possible. And the only way for us to be local to many of our riders is by having a local expert who is intimately familiar with our products and processes. That local expertise is critical to building good bikes, and it comes from the local shops we’ve partnered with from the beginning.

2) Collaboration – Building a custom bike is a collaborative process. As the builder, we need the input of the rider to know not only the correct proportions for the bike, but also how the bike needs to feel and what features it needs to have. The local bike shop has spent years (sometimes decades) fitting riders to their bikes and anticipating issues before they start. Their input to the design process is critical.

3) Lifetime service – We expect your Seven to be the best bike you’ve ever owned, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever need service. Proper and regular maintenance is key to the quality and longevity of your bike. That service comes from the LBS, and it is always better when the shop was also involved with the initial design and assembly of the bike.

4) Advocacy – Cycling is a sport that depends on community, and few entities do more to support that community than the local bike shop. From group rides to charity events to racing teams, the LBS is almost always the hub for the cycling community. Working with these key players is the best way for Seven to support cycling in your community.

Happy Holidays all, from Seven.