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Current Lead Times: Simple-Custom Framesets: 1 week. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

The Local News

Video still showing Sevens on WCVB

We were on the local news last night, part of a series called “Made in Mass,” features on companies that still make things in Massachusetts. The piece ran just short of two minutes and didn’t say a whole lot that cyclists who are familiar with our work didn’t already know. We were glad to be featured, though it is a little frightening that simply making things makes you newsworthy now.

It was also very cool to engage with the reporter’s curiosity about how we do what we do, and the response from friends and family has been overwhelming. It reminded us of when we were kids, perhaps not coincidentally the time when our bikes first became central to our lives, the way being on TV was still some act of magic.