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Current Lead Times: Simple-Custom Framesets: 1 week. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

Wasting No Time

Long wooden crates at the garage door entrance

Well, we made it through the holiday rush, getting out all those bikes that had been promised as gifts, and it was nice to get a few days off with family and friends to over-eat, dream about bike riding and then over-eat some more.

Sure enough, a truck rolled up first thing this morning with three boxes of raw Ti tubing to be crafted into the New Year’s custom bikes. Nick and Sutts loaded the first one onto the dolly and wheeled it off to machining.

Lathes and mills spun to life. The compressor to the paint booth cycled on and off. The coffee maker bubbled and spluttered.

We gathered briefly by Nick’s computer in shipping to watch the end of the World Cup cyclocross from Belgium (SPOILER ALERT: Nys won, again), before catching up on the orders sent in over the weekend, updating status on bikes in process and chatting idly about the impending winter storm.

This is the thing about doing something you love to do. It’s nice to take a break, but it’s also nice to get back to work, wasting no time, while riders here, there and everywhere dream about their new bike.