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Current Lead Times: Rider-Ready Framesets: 3 weeks. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Bicycles in Titanium and Carbon-Titanium Mix

Tools of the Trade Part Three: Duff Vertical Mill

Duff’s were made in Haverhill, MA, just up the road from us. They are smaller than most mills of that vintage, and many of them went to hobbyists half-a-century ago. We like them because they’re more easily moved than their larger cousins, and they take up less floor space. Their distinctive green paint also livens up the shop a little. Our favorite Duff bores our titanium stem tails to perfect roundness.

Tools of the Trade: Part One

People who tour our factory almost always comment on the brute elegance of the lathes and mills we use to build our frames. It’s a hodge-podge of heavy equipment drawn from old brick buildings like ours all over New England. Many of these machines have been working at their daily tasks for more than 50 years.

Skip Brown, who builds all our specialized fixturing, also maintains our fleet of behemoths. He shows up with the sun each morning and makes his rounds, oiling, aligning and cleaning. Skip says he can smell a well-cared for machine, just from the freshness of the oil scent wafting above it.

cutoff lathe

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