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Taylor Takes Five at Hartford Crit

Kenda-Seven racer took lead early and never looked back

Riders raced 50 laps on the closed city loop
Riders raced 50 laps on the closed city loop

A very fast one! 50 laps, around a .7-mile loop, with no actual corners, a real “loop”, around Bushnell Park in Hartford, Connecticut. The weather was about as perfect as it’s been since we arrived out East.
Downtowns always look so nice when it’s a holiday weekend, and Hartford was no exception. A beautiful capitol building and the grounds were green and clean.

Mike suited up while the Scrapper and I did our normal routine: check out the competition. The Nerac Team was hosting the race, and so they were out in numbers, as was the Fiordi Fruitti Team. And Colavita’s Italian Stallion: Davide Frattini (whom I did not recognize at first…the blonde bombshell is no longer blonde!). 110 guys lined the start of the Men’s P1/2 race. Luckily the streets were wide and the pavement was smooth!

Seven's Mike Taylor lines up with the 110-strong Pro/1-2 field
Seven’s Mike Taylor lines up with the 110-strong Pro/1-2 field

Race rules read and they’re off! Taylor got a good start near the front of the massive peloton, while the Scrapper and I found a nice resting spot in the shade. (She forgot her sun-screen!) About 7 laps later, my “Seven” rider comes hammering off the front at turn one, leading the way. Suddenly a Colavita guy flies past! Frattini leads the way into turn two with Taylor on his wheel; but soon, with 108 guys chasing, the field was quickly back together.

The bunch was very attentive, and while many riders attempted to escape, no one ever got more than 15 seconds off the front. Right around lap 48, the Fiordi Fruitti 8+ man train took their turn at the front. Taylor quickly took his position behind the train with Frattini hot on his wheel and some Target Training riders in close proximity. The storming peloton was strung out like a snake, and the only guys who weren’t on the train were the ones who got crashed out.

As they turned the last corner, I could see Taylor in the distance. Too excited to see him in the front of the race, I closed my eyes. So I missed one of the “Red men” zig-zagging his bike dangerously across the road in the sprint. Mike finished strong though: 5th place and in the dough!

We celebrated a fine Sunday with a plethora of sushi and beer—and toasted our sponsor/employer (Seven Cycles) for the lovely day!

Scrapper dog
“the Scrapper”