Customer Comments - Axiom | Seven Cycles skip to content
Current Lead Times: Rider-Ready Framesets: 1 week. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Bicycles in Titanium and Carbon-Titanium Mix

Customer Comments:
Axiom XX, Axiom SL, Axiom S

Formally Axiom SLX, Aerios, Alta, Axiom, Axiom Race, Axiom SG, Alaris, Alaris Race, and Alaris SG

"I was certainly not disappointed. The [Axiom S] seemed lighter than my carbon, went faster with less effort, took the ascent out of the hills, and gave outstanding stability on the descents. I could have not been more pleased. And the best part was that after three hours I felt like I could go another three. I experienced no knee or lower back pain, did not ache in my neck or shoulders, and my fingers never got numb. It truly was fit 'right' for me." Dennis H., Ohio

"The frame is beautiful and flawless in finish. The ride is superb! The bottom bracket is plenty stiff, the ride is responsive yet well mannered, and it fits me perfectly. I wish I'd decided to do this a long time ago. Thanks for the great bike!" Rick H., Michigan

"You will be glad to know that my [Axiom XX] is the finest bike I've ever had the privilege of owning. It climbs like a feather and descends like butta'!" Lee A., New Jersey

"I am really loving my new bike... [Axiom XX] rides like a dream-so effortless and smooth. I can't believe how FAST she goes...The fit is perfect. It feels so good to stretch out and put the power down... Hours go by and I hardly notice the time." Mary M., California

"I picked up my [Axiom SL] (with Ti couplers) at City Cycle in San Francisco this weekend and promptly put 85 miles on it. It practically rides itself!! Thank you for taking the time to make it just for me, it was love at first ride!!" Cathy C., California

"Thank you a billion times from the bottom of my heart for having my gorgeous, wonderful SEVEN [Axiom SL] to my shop by the 28th. It paid off for me." Rachel G., Arizona

"I picked up my custom Seven [Axiom SL] from Belmont Wheelworks last evening. I have just returned from a fifty-mile ride on the bike. My writing skills cannot adequately communicate my pride, total delight, and sense of exhilaration when I ride." Leonard V., Massachusetts

"I received my Seven [Axiom SL] three weeks ago yesterday. This bike is fantastic. I have ridden it several hundred miles and I am still excited and amazed. I should have bought one sooner." Jeff M., North Carolina

"Just finished the Longsjo Classic, and my Seven performed flawlessly. I have been racing every week, and my [Axiom SL] is PERFECT! Thanks for such a great bike." Peter E., New York

"It is a pleasure to have a product that exceeds my expectations and surpasses all advertisements and brochure claims. My [Axiom SL] is a work of art, and I am very thankful to you and your staff for creating the perfect bike for me." Peter E., New York

"Today I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the beautiful [Axiom SL] frame that you built for me. The welding is out of this planet. This piece of art belongs in a museum. It will definitely have a very special place at home." Carlos C., Louisiana

"Thanks for the great support and friendly, personal service. I look forward to many years of riding on my new [Axiom SL] frame. I am so psyched I will probably take the entire week off after the bike is built to put on 300+ miles!" George H., New York

"I am a proud owner of a Seven [Axiom SL] and continue to be impressed with your meticulous craftsmanship, commitment to quality, and attention to service. I am sold on Seven." Stephen B., Texas

"Of all my previous custom bikes, the [Axiom SL] is the most 'custom' custom bike I have ever had! Great job." Gordon N., Oregon

"Recently, I purchased an [Axiom SL] frame, this bike is absolutely the finest and most comfortable bike I have ever owned. It is like riding on air. It is an absolute dream to ride." Kim M., Colorado