Neil Doshi:
East Coast Transplant
Hi, I'm Neil and I am a Performance Designer at Seven Cycles. That's our fancy term for the custom fitting and bike designs. Once an order for a bike gets placed I analyze the data, interview the rider, and produce a frame design. The job is as cool as it sounds.
I grew up in Huntington Beach and studied Neuroscience in college. I spent years managing bike shops around Southern California, developing a firm insight into what shop personnel experience on a daily basis. When people find out I moved from sunny Southern California to frigid New England, most incredulously ask "Why?" To me it's obvious: If you want to work in the custom bicycle industry, this is the place to be.
When I arrive at Seven HQ in the morning, my goals are pretty clear: provide the best service to customers, be reliable and communicative to their respective retailers, and ultimately have a hand in producing a unique bike that someone loves to ride and shops are proud to sell.