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Current Lead Times: Rider-Ready Framesets: 3 weeks. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Bicycles in Titanium and Carbon-Titanium Mix

Holden Hudson from Bike Doctor Arnold

Holden from Bike Doctor Arnold had his first ride on his new Axiom SL at the Hincapie Grand Fondo in Lehigh Valley over the weekend. He felt super comfortable and was able to tackle 53 miles of punchy climbs and gravel descents. These are the before and after photos of Holden with his bike. He says it’s exactly what he wanted and he felt right at home on it immediately.

If you’re in the Arnold, Maryland area, contact Holden if you’re interested in hearing more about having this kind of experience for yourself!

#sevenaxiomsl #sevencycles @hincapiegranfondo

Summer Miles

two bikes against a tree with blurry rider in the background

Summer miles happen on the road. The early roll out catches the crickets and the heavy dew that settles just before dawn. Voices seem loud before cars join the party.

We meet at the coffee shop, as if there is any other place to meet, warm light spilling from the windows. And we mill in the parking lot and adjust our sleeves, retighten our shoes. Continue reading “Summer Miles”

Through the Night, Together

randonnee through the morning fog

More than a format, randonneuring is a culture highlighted by long routes and camaraderie. Rando legend Melinda Lyon suggested that, first and foremost, randonneurs are always polite: you can ride hard, but your speed remains secondary to consideration for everyone, whether it’s another rider, a course volunteer, a motorist, a citizen with no affiliation with the event, or your own safety. In races, other riders try to drop you; in randonnees, your company is a welcome part of the journey. The course itself is the daunting competitor.

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A Tiny Meditaion

Three riders in big woods

For all our love of the bicycle, it is but a tool. We’ve heard from cycling advocates, green activists, and city planners how the lowly bicycle is the most efficient method of multiplying energy, of moving through the world that humanity has yet devised. We may nod, but in our bones we know that misses the point. We love the bicycle not because it is efficient but because it makes us efficient. We see the world; we flow through it like water down a river and we move, yes, we move like birds happily tethered to the earth, as if being still is a theft of freedom.

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