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Current Lead Times: Rider-Ready Framesets: 3 weeks. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Bicycles in Titanium and Carbon-Titanium Mix

American Randonneur – Corinne Warren

Connie poses with Seven Randonnee bike in front of a stunning view of the mountains

Seven rider, and Rocky Mountain Cycling Club member, Corinne Warren had a nice interview in the Winter 2017 issue of American Randonneur, that ran with some nice photos of her Seven Axiom S. We built this bike for her in 2014 with our friends at Wheat Ridge Cyclery.

Corinne based her Seven on one of Mark Lowe’s bikes. Mark is another Colorado-based rider, organizer of their Triple Crown series, and a serious distance rider.

Randonnee Seven

Corinne had us build her rando bike to be as stiff as possible, a personal preference of hers, and a bit unusual for a randonneuring rig. But that is the beauty of our rider-collaborative process. It ensures you get everything you want from a new bike.

Photos: Nat Schub and Corinne Warren

Portable Technologies & a Workhorse Axiom Disc

Seven Workhorse Axiom disc

In our last post we walked through some of the features and technology in the Ultimate Axiom Disc. Halo bikes, like that one, serve some important purposes for us. The first one is to showcase, in as dramatic a way as possible, the killer bikes we’re capable of producing. More importantly, they serve as launching points for new ideas that we know we’ll incorporate into more “practical” builds, like the one above.

Seven Ultimate Axiom Disc

This is the Workhorse Axiom Disc. It incorporates the show bike’s One-Inch Fixed Chainstays, Active Race Design Geometry, and All Out Speed Kit into a more budget-oriented, everyday riding (and maybe racing) package.

Don’t get too hung up on the racing piece. The vast majority of our riders aren’t trying to win races, but they do want to go as fast as they can, given their abilities. We understand. It’s fun.

What we want to do is develop technology that is portable, across bikes and categories, whether full-tilt race bike, or go fast group ride bike.

Michael’s Axiom S

This is Michael on the Axiom S we built for him in 2010, riding the UK’s London Surrey 100. Check out his story below.

Michael leads the pack at the London Surrey 100

Hello Seven,

On August 2, 2015 my Seven carried me to the finish in the London Surrey 100. This turned out to be my fastest century and was an inspiring experience I will never forget. From QE Olympic Park, out of London to the challenging Surrey hills, and back to Buckingham Palace 100 miles later, my Seven performed spectacularly.

Michael at the races

While in London, I had a chance to ride with a local bike club a couple times prior to the big event. My Seven was the talk of the rides with several mates switching their rides with me for a few miles. Thanks for building a great bike for me!

The route was the 2012 Olympic course! 100 miles of closed roads! We climbed Newland’s Corner, Leith Hill, and Box Hill starting around mile 43 and ending around mile 70. Over 4000 feet of climbing. Making the final turn at Trafalgar Square, speeding under Admiralty Arch, and sprinting down The Mall to the finish at Buckingham Palace will be a lifelong remembrance.

The local support in all the small villages we rode through was exhilarating. All along the way people were roadside waving flags, clapping, cheering us on with smiles. When I face day to day challenges, I remind myself that I climbed the 1.25 miles of Leith Hill at 14.5 percent grade. Makes the daily tasks seem less challenging.

Michael T

Holland, MI


Marc’s Axiom S Fixed Gear Road Bike

Uploaded To Marc's Axiom S Fixed Gear Road Bike

This is Marc’s Axiom S. He wanted it dead simple. Track dropouts. Campy Pista crank. It’s not a track bike, but it has that seething-with-speed thing that track bikes have, while being set up for round-town road riding. Our friends at Velosmith did the build, and it definitely reflects their refined sense of what a bike should look like.