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Current Lead Times: Rider-Ready Framesets: 3 weeks. Full Custom Bikes: 7 weeks.

U.S. Built Bicycles in Titanium and Carbon-Titanium Mix

Seven Cycles at the “Let’s Talk About Bikes” Opening Night at the BSA

Berliner bike

Many thanks to Mark Pasnik and the folks at over,under for putting on the incredible, “Let’s Talk About Bikes” exhibit at the Boston Society of Architects Space. We were honored to be included in such a thoughtful way, and we were floored when we walked into the massive exhibit space.

There were bikes displayed along the entire perimeter of the second floor, with bigger-than-life photographs papering the walls behind each bike. We were excited to see that the exhibit designers used a photo of Seven’s own Staci Sommers as the backdrop for the Seven Cycles Berlin Bike display. Staci painted the Berlin Bike, and over,under conducted an extensive interview with her about the development of the Berlin Bike’s unique paint scheme, which is published in the “Let’s Talk About Bikes” brochure.

Along with the photographic backdrop were cool graphics that contained a description of the process that took the Berlin Bike from concept to build. We’ve never before seen such an aesthetically sophisticated display of this bike. Because of the layout of the exhibit, the guests were encouraged to ogle each detail of the bikes on display, but there was a flow to the space that kept everyone moving around from bike to bike, which actually encouraged conversation and resulted in a palpable excitement in the room.

Let's Talk About Bikes Exhibit front

Seven also had Mike Salvatore’s Elium track bike on display in the front window of the exhibit. We were honored to have 2 bikes in this show. There were bikes on display from SCUL, Saila, Royal H, each of whom are Seveneers who also have their own brands. There were also bikes from Boston-based bike builders Parlee and Firefly. We don’t usually get to see all of these bikes simultaneously, and it was a treat to get a closer look at the creativity and skill that each builder brings to their bikes. It was also fun to see the reactions of the guests to the artisanship on display.

White bike hanging in the air

The exhibit also celebrated bike photography, and the myriad ways that riding has inspired photographers from all over the city. Seveneers Matt O’Keefe and Jonathan Henig had photographs on display, and friends of Seven Susi Ecker and Natalia Boltukhova were also represented.

Giant video installations dotted the exhibit, with one featuring the experience of Team Greenline Velo, and another shot from the perspective of a commuter’s bike ride through downtown Boston. The video installations, along with the variety of bikes around the gallery illustrated the mission of “Let’s Talk About Bikes”: to show the diversity of riding cultures and history in the Boston area, and to encourage discussion about how all of us as a community can make riding bikes more accessible and safe. “Let’s Talk About Bike” seeks to start a discussion among urban planners, architects, cyclists, and citizens about how the integration of a cycling-centric culture into an urban landscape can shape our cities in the 21st century, and can have a positive impact on everything from the economy to the environment.

Along with the creativity and energy in the room, there was also amazing food and drink, generously donated by Trade Restaurant, which is located next door to the BSA. This elegant touch lent the evening a note of celebration and fun that made everyone feel like they were at the best party in Boston. If you missed this event, do not despair! The exhibit is up through August 31. If you are in the Boston area this summer, we encourage you to make the “Let’s Talk About Bikes” exhibit at the BSA a must-see destination.


Seven Cycles in the “Let’s Talk About Bikes” Exhibit at the BSA

Chain guard with Berlin skyline

We are excited to participate in the “Let’s Talk About Bikes” exhibit at the Boston Society of Architects.  The exhibit opens on Tuesday, June 12, with a party at the BSA from 6-8pm.

“Let’s Talk About Bikes” was conceived by the folks at the design firm, over, under to celebrate the history of framebuilding in Boston, and to explore the role of the bicycle in an urban environment:

The expansion of urban biking raises broader transit-related questions about the relationship of bicycles to urban and environmental public policy.  The exhibition examines this theme, from the Complete Streets movement to advocacy activism to concerns raised in Boston’s larger community about roadway use. Let’s Talk About Bikes presents many stories and outlooks in order to raise awareness and questions about the role of the bicycle in cities today.”

Seven Cycles was asked to loan The Berlin Bike and Seveneer Mike Salvatore’s Elium to the exhibit.  Each bike represents a specific type of riding: the Berlin Bike is a commuter bike and Mike’s Elium was build specifically for track racing.  Parlee Cycles and Friefly Bicycles also have bikes in the exhibit.  In addition,  Rob V. conceptualized and edited a family tree of Boston bike building for the exhibit.  Many Seveneers are included in various aspects of the show: Matt O’Keefe’s and Jonathan Henig’s photographs will be displayed, and bikes built by Saila, Royal H., and the SCUL gang will also be part of the show.

We hope that if you’re in or around Boston over the summer, you’ll stop by the BSA to have a look at the craftsmanship on display.  “Let’s Talk About Bikes” runs from June 12-August 31, 2012.


Friends of Seven: Sean Griffing

622 Bike
The 622 SLX

At Seven, we are fortunate to have many friends, both around the world, and close to home in Boston. One of our pals is world-renowned chef, and restauranteur, Jodie Adams. Jodie is an avid cyclist, and so it comes as no surprise that Sean Griffing, one of her business partners in her new venture, Trade Restaurant, is also somewhat obsessed with riding. Sean was among the Boston celebrities that was recently asked by The Boston Globe what his greatest wish was for the holidays. We were extremely pleased, but not totally surprised, that Sean mentioned he’d owe Santa big-time is he found a 622 SLX road bike under his tree.

We hope to help make Sean’s wish come true in 2012. In the meantime, we will give thanks for all of the great friends we’ve made during the 15 years we’ve been in business. All the best to all of you in the new year!