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U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

Keith’s Evergreen S

A simple and elegant Evergreen S

This is Keith’s Evergreen S, built out for him by our friends at Redbeard Bikes in Brooklyn. We got these photos and a nice little write up from Ilya at Redbeard:

What’s in a commuter?

Keith was looking for a bike that could be everything — daily commuter through Brooklyn and Manhattan, upstate dirt crusher — a bike that would look good, and ride even better.

The Evergreen was the best platform for this super-build.

Chris King rear hub

The first bike we built for Keith, a couple years ago, was a custom painted Parlee. Titanium frames are magic, so we didn’t need any paint on the Evergreen. The Chris King Turquoise kit gives the bike just the right amount of zing. To give the bike a well rounded personality, we laced the hubs to Hed Belgium Plus rims. The wheels can take a 25mm race tire, or a 35mm plushy deluxe (the Compass Bon Jon Pass will be nice). The Evergreen’s personality changes right with the tires.

We dialed the geometry for stability, we dialed the acceleration to 11. This was the note we received from Keith after his first ride:

“Rode in today and damn man…the best way to describe the ride is it floats on the road.”

Next up, Keith puts the bike through its paces in the Berkshires. Can’t wait.

Mike’s Single Speed Evergreen S

This is Mike’s Evergreen S built by our friends at Bike Doctor in Waldorf, MD. This is Mike’s 9th Seven. By now he has drawn a firm bead on exactly what he wants out of a bike, and we were only too happy to build it for him.

Mike's Singlespeed Evergreen S

Thanks for making another awesome frame for me! Took it out for the first spin today and it was INCREDIBLE! The fit & finish are impeccable but I was blown away by the frontend stiffness – the combination of the fork, wider steerer & carbon hoops made the bike track and respond better than anything I’ve ever experienced. Totally loving it! 



Chris’s Evergreen S

This is Chris’s Evergreen S with our new Max 45 tapered disc fork. We built it with master fitter Steve Hogg at Pedal Pushers in Sydney. Now that Chris has had a little time to ride it, he sent us this photo and note.

Wikipedia told us, “Kangaloon is a small town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia, in Wingecarribee Shire. At the 2006 census, Kangaloon had a population of 336 people. Kangaloon is Aboriginal for “kangaroo landing ground”.”

Chris' Evergreen SL

Hi Seven,

I now have a couple of rides on my new Evergreen and I just wanted to send thanks for the fabulous frame that Seven has built for me.

Thinking back, I expected the bike to be a ‘good fit’ and ‘comfortable’ but my initial standout impressions of the ride are the ‘stability’ and ‘perfect balance’ of the frame.

Fast down hills, riding ‘no hands’, riding in the drops (and transferring from drops to hoods and back again) all feels very natural and I feel very confident the bike. 

So I’m a happy customer.

Thanks again.




Being the Wilcox

David Wilcox next to his Seven Evergreen SL

Everyone loves David Wilcox. For such an unassuming guy, soft-spoken without being shy, no hint of nervous energy or burning drive, this is strange. The Wilcox, as he’s known in bike circles, has a reputation for two things, incredible strength on the bike over distances that most of us wouldn’t even consider rideable and incredible generosity with his time and his experience. Call it a quiet charisma.

David Wilcox rides near a river

A former co-owner of Boston’s legendary Broadway Bicycle School, the Wilcox has most recently been managing Rapha’s Mobile Cycling Club, and that experience, traveling the country, working events and continuing to be his usual self has spread the legend of The Wilcox far and wide.

Even as he has maintained a grueling travel schedule for Rapha, he has continued to chalk off the longer rides in the brevet series, including the Vermont 600 where his freewheel stopped spinning with 90 miles to go. He pedaled those last 90, non-stop, without taking his feet off the pedals once.

David drinks from his water bottle

When asked what keeps him motivated to keep riding, to keep putting up big rides, he says simply, “For me it’s really just about getting out, seeing, exploring. How far can I go? I lived in Boston for 10 years, but when I come back to visit I find new parts, even now, only minutes from where I lived. That’s what gets me on the bike. What’s on the next street?”

He continues, “A lot of what I do qualifies as Type 2 fun. At the time, you want it to be over, but the next day it was great. Seeing the sunset and sunrise in the same ride is amazing. It’s a special opportunity when  you can do that.”

David Wilcox refuels while riding

Those lucky enough to ride with The Wilcox will tell you how strong he is, but also how even-keeled he stays even hundreds of miles into a ride. He says,  “The only time I recall being on edge on the bike was during the second Green Mountain Double Century. We were ripping down Green River Road at twilight, and I was on the end of the paceline, so I’m not sure how it happened, but I hit a pothole so hard it destroyed my front wheel. I think I was just scared and a little angry, and I said, ‘Ok, guys, we need to slow down a little,’ which we didn’t really do.”

David Wilcox in his element

Asked where his calm demeanor comes from he says something we hear a lot of randonneurs say, “When you encounter problems on the bike, they always have solutions. Usually, when you’re struggling you can eat or drink, and that gets you back to where you need to be.”

In typical Wilcox fashion, David is not inclined to chase achievements. For example, a high profile recent even, Paris-Brest-Paris is for many randonneurs the ultimate achievement, but The Wilcox isn’t interested. “A big part of it, for me, is social,” he explains. “A big ride can be a kind of shared hallucination. I don’t look forward to doing that kind of thing by myself, but with my friends it’s a great experience. At the same time, doing something like Paris-Brest-Paris isn’t attractive for me, because it’s like you do it just to say you did it. I’m more inclined to go on adventures with my friends. I’m not knocking PBP. It’s just not for me.”

Soon The Wilcox will leave the road, swapping his job with Rapha for a more settled position with his friends Jeremy and Julie at The Athletic.  “I’m excited to be in one place for a while,” he says, “to race ‘cross and maybe even to train a little bit for it rather than just pulling stuff out of my suitcase, confirming I have everything I need and then racing two hours later.”

A Tale of Two Millenia, Pt 1

Low sun over a river

To say that Matt Roy and David Wilcox failed to complete their first attempt at a 1000km brevet this summer in the Pacific Northwest would be technically true, they did not ride 1000km, but so oblivious to the circumstances and outcomes as to be ridiculous. Most of us can’t even conceive of riding 1000km (621 miles), and doing so, as Matt explains, requires a process of understanding how to break down the mileage to begin with.

Matt Roy smiles on a ride

“Anyone who’s done a full brevet series (200km, 300km, 400km, 600km, 1000km) knows they come in palatable chunks. There’s a natural progression, and brevets are designed to be finished as the season goes along, March through August,” he says. “I had done the training, the series, so you get that confidence that you can do the next distance, which eventually adds up to 1000km. I never start with my computer set to countdown from 620 miles. I just break it down and know that I’ll have a mental reset at each checkpoint.”

The week of the PNW 1000km event an historic heat wave swept across the region, visiting temperatures north of 110F on the roads of the long route.

“At the start,” Matt says, “we thought we had it. Temps were peaking around 104F, but it’s dry heat, probably equivalent to the 80s here in New England, so we thought it would be tolerable. We never thought we’d encounter the heat we did, but it became clear midway through the first day. When the heat came it was complete, like you’ve never experienced, and the roads are all really exposed. There was no shade even to change a flat in, and I thought we might be in trouble.”

A beautiful field

Normally, brevets are self-supported. Riders need to manage their own equipment, food and liquid. That first day Matt and David rode from 5am to 1:30am the next night. Around 10pm they received a text from one of the promoters that just said, “Good luck, guys. You’re the only ones still riding.” At that point, Matt’s wife, Mo, began to follow the pair by car packing water bottles with ice for them to carry in their jersey pockets and nylon ice socks to drape over their necks.

A cycling computer readout

They were on their bikes at 8:45am the next day, and it was already 98F. With 86 miles to the next checkpoint they calculated they had 8 hours to get there. Stopping as they were, every 20 miles at first, then every ten, for Mo to restock them with fluids and ice, they made the checkpoint in 8-and-a-half hours.

“We were riding fine,” Matt says, “probably holding to about a 15mph average, but the day just ticked away from us.”


After two days they’d covered 350 miles. They sat in a Taco Time restaurant and assessed the situation. They’d missed the checkpoint closing, and the math on the ride to the next check suggested they’d have to ride straight through to Whitefish, MT in 27 hours.

David Refuels While Riding

“We did that practicality check before we did a safety check really,” Matt says. “Then we said, ‘This looks dumb.’ None of us ever stops anything. This is what we do, but we were all just trashed, even Mo from worrying over all the things we were doing to keep moving.”

David takes advantage of a sprinkler to cool off

So they got in the car and continued the trip just as they would have, along the route, but with stops at creeks to swim. They visited Glacier National Park. They saw friends in Missoula.

Matt says, “Listen, we didn’t make the 1000km, and that’s disappointing on some level, but we’re happy with how it worked out. We had our adventures, which is really the point. That’s why you undertake these things. The riding is important, but it’s not everything.”

In part II, Matt tries again, this time back home in New England.

All images: Matt Roy