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Current lead times: Unpainted bikes: 7 weeks. Painted bikes: 9 weeks.

U.S. Built Custom Bicycles in Titanium and Titanium-Carbon Mix

bRad Across America – Through the Mid West

When last we checked Brad’s progress in the Trans Am Bike Race, he was cruising through the Rockies. Over the last few days, he’s really put the pedal down (pun intended) and crossed off all of Kansas and most of Missouri. He’ll cross the southern tip of Illinois and then head into Kentucky over the next few days. If he didn’t still have so far to go, we’d say he’s on the run in to the finish. And while he’s confessed to being tired, he’s still covering 150-200 miles a day, sometimes riding at after dark to avoid the mid-day heat.

As always, he sends back great photos, especially for a guy literally racing across the country.

Welcome to KansasBrad eats a twizzler on the rideEndless pavementMissouri Welcomes YouSunset on the Midwest

Checking in with bRad Across America

Brad’s been on the road for ten days, and he’s made incredible progress, passing from Oregon, into Idaho, Montana, and now Wyoming. This is the wide open West, pine country, Yellowstone.

Part of us envies him this time, spending whole days on the bike, exploring, seeing beautiful things, thinking. And part of us still can’t comprehend the size of what he’s taken on. A ride like this promises all the good of an epic adventure, but it also promises hard work beyond much you’ve experienced before. There will be highs, and there will be lows.

While we’re not privy to Brad’s evolving thoughts about the race, he has sent a lot of great photos, more of which we share with you now:

Chief Joseph Pass

Edless paved road

Brad's bike in Montana

Lewis and Clark Trail

Shadow on the Road

Evergreen Campground

Brad puts his feet in a pond

Winding Road Next 99 miles

Bike Hole Pass

Brad stares down an enless road